全球政府联盟, industry and investors spearheads innovative investment strategy for zero-emission vehicles


发表: 2023年12月4日
类型: 新闻

迪拜,2023年12月4日至今 今天, 在迪拜举行的COP28会议上, 阿拉伯联合酋长国, Government of the United Kingdom (as the ZEV Transition Council (ZEVTC) co-chair), 荷兰政府, 世界银行, 亚马逊, DHL集团, 道富银行, C40, CALSTART和德国国际合作组织(GIZ)确认了他们与清洁运输融资集体的合作关系. 在一起, 他们将率先开展有助于加速全球零排放公交车部署的灯塔项目, 中型和重型货运, 两轮和三轮电动化.

清洁交通融资集体(集体)于去年在COP27上成立,旨在通过促进政府间的激进合作,解决交通气候融资领域的缺口, 企业和金融机构. 该组织已经连接了80多个组织,其长期目标是创建一个全球交易流程,以扩大清洁交通领域的投资. 它是由 World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) and is supported by the UN 气候 Change High-Level Champions, Nand & Jeet Khemka基金会, 智能货运中心, 联合国环境规划署的全球电动交通方案, 世界银行’s Global Facility to Decarbonize 运输 和 ZEVTC.

Despite record investments in transport electrification, proportion of climate finance directed to road transport is insufficient to meet the 1.5°C commitment of the 2015 Paris Agreement – particularly in low- and middle-income countries. 运输 decarbonization projects are ramping up to become large-scale, with many low- and middle-income countries investing, 例如, 在电动公交车上. 然而, 由于监管环境缓慢和政策框架不完善,许多可持续交通和电动交通项目的初始资本投资成本和风险仍然很高. This often hinders financial institutions’ engagement in the transition at scale. 政府, 企业和金融机构必须联合起来,有效加快对清洁交通的投资.

The Collective was established to address this challenge by activating a global network of governments, 金融机构及公司. 集体成员参与跨部门对话,汇总各个公司对零排放车队的需求,以符合国家运输脱碳的政治雄心. 作为下一步,y will collectively design blended financing strategies, 反映优化的风险概况和项目规模的政策框架和基础设施部署.

In a first phase launched today during an event at COP28, stakeholders will align around lighthouse projects like the 印度电动巴士大挑战, 印度电子货运加速器(e-FAST)Global Facility to Decarbonize 运输’s Regional Financing Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa – global best practices which provide concrete opportunities for action, while demonstrating innovative financing mechanisms and collaborative approaches. 

Since its foundation, Collective has been highlighted as a key initiative under the 突破议程 并被列为推动将于12月5日在COP28上发布的ZEV tc全球ZEV过渡路线图的变革性举措之一, 助力解决全球投资缺口.

“The number of countries that have signed the Global MOU for zero-emission buses and trucks is still growing. 扩大零排放交通, effectively mobilizing public and private sector investment stakeholders is key. The Collective for Clean 运输 Finance is uniquely positioned to move the transition forward,” Vivianne Heijnen, Minister for the Environment, Netherlands.

“集体正在提供关键的国际领导,以嵌入跨部门合作进程,这对于扩大清洁交通领域急需的投资至关重要. Through the Road 运输 Breakthrough 和 ZEVTC, 英国很自豪能与集体合作,系统地加强对发展中国家的国际支持,我期待着这种合作不断加强,因为我们共同实施新的全球零排放汽车转型路线图,从2023年开始,” Ed Webber, Deputy Director of Financing and Sectors Transition, Government of the United Kingdom.

“The World Bank is already prioritizing efficient, low-carbon urban transport that connects people to opportunities and essential services. 清洁运输融资集体将进一步帮助加快为运输脱碳提供资金和扩大规模的努力,” Guangzhe Chen, 世界银行’s Vice President for Infrastructure.

“我们有理由对实现净零排放的全球竞赛持乐观态度,但政策制定者和投资者必须团结一致,提供所需的基础设施和零排放车辆. 支持这一重要倡议及其在电动客车和电动卡车等关键车辆领域的灯塔项目, we are taking one further step in the right direction,” 荷兰国际集团(ing)安徒生, 联合国副秘书长兼联合国环境规划署执行主任.

“By collaboratively formulating investment plans and aligning demand for zero-emission vehicles, 企业, investors and governments can accelerate the shift to net-zero transport. This is an essential turn in the race to zero,” Her Excellency Razan Al Mubarak, UN 气候 Change High-Level Champion for COP28.

“自2019年以来, C40和ICCT支持拉丁美洲城市向零排放公交车过渡,作为零排放公交车快速部署加速器(ZEBRA)伙伴关系的一部分, 确保制造商和投资者承诺扩大技术和金融解决方案,以使该地区的公交车队脱碳. Although there are many success stories to celebrate, more action is needed to support cities in these efforts, 增加对公共交通的投资是我们为减少气候排放所能采取的最具成本效益的行动之一, 创造绿色就业和包容性机会, and improving the livelihoods of everyone in cities,” Cassie Sutherland, Managing Director for the 气候 Solutions and Networks team, C40.

“智能货运中心很高兴与这群全球领导者一起推动这一努力,以协调和促进清洁运输领域的投资. Cross-sector collaboration is crucial to accelerate action, 特别是对于商用车和减少全球货运的排放影响,” Christoph Wolff, 智能货运中心首席执行官.

杰西卡·T. Donohue, PhD, Head of Global Investment Insights, Sustainability and Impact at 道富银行, said, “Getting to net zero by 2050 is undoubtedly an arduous task. 但是通过明智的决定, 所有经济部门的行动和资本的调动- -加上正确的投资- -就有可能带来有影响的变化. Transition finance is something that all stakeholders can get behind. 我们知道,我们不能孤立地推动大规模变革,需要进行战略合作,以在CCTF已经实现的努力的基础上再创辉煌.”

“TUMI电动巴士项目为全球南方城市提供技术咨询和促进相互交流,为电动巴士的实施做好准备,从而实现更环保、更宜居的未来。. 将决策者聚集在一起, 商业和金融机构, as the Collective for Clean 运输 Finance does, 高端电动巴士采用的关键是什么,” Elke Huttner, 气候变化部门的负责人, Environment and Infrastructure within GIZ’s global division (GloBe).

“Businesses and governments must cooperate towards de-risking and scaling of green infrastructure projects. 这就是为什么我们在缔约方会议第27次会议上共同创立了清洁交通融资集体,并自豪地看到今天出现的灯塔项目将推进交通气候目标, as well as demonstrate the value of collaborative approaches in finance,” 乌代·卡姆卡副主席 Nand闪存的 & Jeet Khemka基金会.

For more information, please contact Thomas Deloison, Director, 流动性 at WBCSD deloison@htqsss.com.

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